Sunday, March 16, 2008
We gotta Wii today!
We are all so very excited! I found out on Wednesday that Walmart was going to have them in stock today! Well, there was no way either of us was going to get up and stand in line in hopes that we would get one, so there went that idea! After church and a pot luck lunch, Doug decided to try Walmart, "just in case". He had prepared the boys that there probably wasn't going to be one. And you know what? There weren't any. However, the salesman had just put one back on the shelf that someone had bought this morning and returned it this afternoon! So they were in the right place at the right time! We all feel so lucky as we have been trying to get one since this past November! Today was our lucky day! The boys have had so much fun with it so far! I'm sad to say that we have already spent over 7 hours playing it today alone! Yikes! We will get more games down the road, but for now, we are pretty excited around here! Have a blessed week!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Building Our First Snowman
I know that may sound funny to some of you, but for me, Isaac & Elijah it was our first time building a snowman! Doug was the experienced one. The bottom ball on the "man" was just pushed up snow that we made into a ball and then I thought, can you really just roll the snow and it will make a big ball? YES! I thought that was only in the cartoons and movies. So the rest of the big guy wasn't that hard. Our neighbor kids came over to help as well. Zada loves Elijah and they play so well together, we figured out yesterday that they will start Kindergarten together in 2009/2010 school year. They will both attend WRCC Preschool again in the fall. Just couldn't ask for better neighbors, that is all there is to it!
I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend! It was a lazy day here today! Oh and we ended up with about 12 inches of snow! We enjoyed it, but I do look forward to warmer weather to come! Have a great week!

Oh yah, I keep forgetting about this picture. I asked Isaac & Elijah to make me a snowman on Saturday and this is what they came up with. :)

Oh yah, I keep forgetting about this picture. I asked Isaac & Elijah to make me a snowman on Saturday and this is what they came up with. :)
Saturday, March 08, 2008
I got Tagged!!
Elizabeth at tagged me for a MEME. Here are the Rules: 1. Link to the person that tagged you. 2. Post the rules on your blog. 3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. 4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. 5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6 random things about me:
1 - I'm up at 5:00 am most days of the week! I like to be ready prior to getting Isaac off to school and before I head to work.
2 - I am in the habit of starting a book and never finish it! You should see my pile of books! My excuse? I'm raising my boys and they don't allow me the time to read, how much longer can I use them as an excuse? LOL
3 - I'm constantly trying to figure out new ways to stay or start getting organized. This is a life time project, cause I love to pile and live a messy life. But when your DH isn't a lover of clutter you need start working on the mess! ;)
4 - I can't pass up a bargain, even if I don't need it! I'm working on this one, because of number 3!
5 - When I was a little girl, I took my pet gold fish for a ride on my tricycle! One problem, he was out of the fish bowl, :(
6 - I once lived off of $500 a month income and lived on my own! How did I do that!? I know it was a different time in life, but hey, my rent was $200 a month! I was poor but happy!
Here's where I will probably falter, I don't know 6 people with blogs! So if you find yourself over here and have a blog, consider yourself tagged!
6 random things about me:
1 - I'm up at 5:00 am most days of the week! I like to be ready prior to getting Isaac off to school and before I head to work.
2 - I am in the habit of starting a book and never finish it! You should see my pile of books! My excuse? I'm raising my boys and they don't allow me the time to read, how much longer can I use them as an excuse? LOL
3 - I'm constantly trying to figure out new ways to stay or start getting organized. This is a life time project, cause I love to pile and live a messy life. But when your DH isn't a lover of clutter you need start working on the mess! ;)
4 - I can't pass up a bargain, even if I don't need it! I'm working on this one, because of number 3!
5 - When I was a little girl, I took my pet gold fish for a ride on my tricycle! One problem, he was out of the fish bowl, :(
6 - I once lived off of $500 a month income and lived on my own! How did I do that!? I know it was a different time in life, but hey, my rent was $200 a month! I was poor but happy!
Here's where I will probably falter, I don't know 6 people with blogs! So if you find yourself over here and have a blog, consider yourself tagged!
Friday, March 07, 2008
My view from here...
What a beautiful snowy day we have here in Louisville/Crestwood! Elijah & I were already off from school today so it came as a surprise when I woke up this am to find out that there was no snow on the ground, however they had canceled school for Isaac. It didn't take long to figure out why! At about 8:00 am it started snowing and really hasn't stopped since! Sometimes light, sometimes hard, but always a beautiful sight to behold God's handy work!

I received an email today from my friend Tonya who now lives in Orlando and she sent this picture to show us the weather they are having! Nice way to rub it in girlfriend! :)

You know, I know we will have many a warm day here in KY so for today I will be glad with the weather we have and enjoy this beautiful day God has given us! Both the boys are having fun being home together. We are going to have a taco dinner (the boys favorite) together. I should be at my monthly crop tonight at the church, but I canceled it due to the weather, wise choice on my part for once! So I hope that I will get some time to myself tonight! I am hosting a 28 hour crop next weekend so I won't go without my scrapbook time this month!
Have a wonderful and blessed day my dear friends and family!!
I received an email today from my friend Tonya who now lives in Orlando and she sent this picture to show us the weather they are having! Nice way to rub it in girlfriend! :)

You know, I know we will have many a warm day here in KY so for today I will be glad with the weather we have and enjoy this beautiful day God has given us! Both the boys are having fun being home together. We are going to have a taco dinner (the boys favorite) together. I should be at my monthly crop tonight at the church, but I canceled it due to the weather, wise choice on my part for once! So I hope that I will get some time to myself tonight! I am hosting a 28 hour crop next weekend so I won't go without my scrapbook time this month!
Have a wonderful and blessed day my dear friends and family!!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Finally lost that first tooth...
It seemed like forever! I was beginning to think Isaac was going to have his baby teeth when he graduated from high school! One of his bottom front teeth as been loose since before Christmas and then the other front bottom one kicked in. But they were not about to come out on their own. His permanent teeth had already started to come in behind them. We had his 6 month dental check up and the doc said not to worry they'll come out. Two weeks later I was back in there for a filling and I said can we just extract them? (a much longer story goes along with this, but I won't bore you with it) He said of course, I was never against extracting them to begin with, he just didn't want his to have a bad dental experience. So I made the appointment for 2 weeks from then. On the Saturday before his extraction appointment, we made a quick run to the grocery and Isaac asked if he could push the cart. Well, that was a disaster. He was all over the aisles. People were having to move out of his way, etc...So I told him to stay directly behind me to not come around me, etc. He did as I asked, but wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and he ran into the back of the heal of my shoe which in turn, caused him to hit his mouth on the handle of the cart. He was devastated! Crushed even! His lip was blooding his teeth were bloody! I couldn't get out of the store quick enough! Well, to make a long store shorter, that little trip to the grocery saved us about $200 on dental work! Doug was able to pull them both out with out too much effort! Maybe a little, but not too bad. Did you know that the Tooth Fairy leaves receipts now? It's kinda of cool! He got $2 for this first tooth and $1 for his second one. He is saving his money for a new Wii! He's got a long way to go! But he's saving it! :)
I don't want to forget...
You'll never guess what I saw today? A bond between two boys that melts my heart! Elijah and I walked to pick Isaac up from the bus stop this afternoon and like most days they chased each back to the house. But today, Elijah won, but instead of boasting about it, he ran back toward his big brother with his arms opened big and wide waiting for him to hug him. It was precious. It only lasted for a split second, but I saw it and it's engraved in my memory! I hope that one day I can get a picture of it, but those moments don't always come. Sometimes you just get to write about them. So a little bit about my day! Not special to everyone, but very special to me. :) Have a blessed day!
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