Even though they do not keep score in this age group for soccer, Isaac's team won hands down today!!! And the best part? Isaac scored 2 of the 6 goals!!! He is so proud of himself. I wish I could show you his victory dance! He has so much rhythm! Here is a picture of him on the field. He's the one in the beige shorts, still haven't bought him the black shorts that all the other kids are wearing. He doesn't seem to care, but that is a purchase I plan on making this week. It's in the budget, in case anyone was wondering!
We had thought about going to Build-A-Bear today, but decided to wait until this next week. We just have too much going on today after all.
It's cousin Nathan's 6th birthday and they are on their way to Kansas City to see a Royals game tomorrow! Nathan is so excited to go! I can't wait to see pictures of him with that big grin on his face!!
Anyway, wanted share a part of our day with you! Blessings to you all!