Can this be true? Three years has passed so quickly! Elijah ended up having 2 celebrations. On Tuesday Isaac was sick so we stayed home and later in the day we baked birthday brownies (which is his favorite) and both the boys helped. We wanted Elijah to open at least one present on his birthday so he opened the one from Aunt Lori, Uncle Monte, Ruth & Nathan. He loved his batman! If it's a super hero, he is all over it! On Thursday we celebrated with Chuck E. Cheese! What a treat this is to our boys. We probably only go about 3 times a year, so it truly is a treat. About 150 tokens, 3 pizzas, drinks and 3 hours later our visit was complete. We celebrated with our friends, Denise, Jonathan, Zach, Spencer & Nathan. Daddy found the perfect birthday cake for him from Kroger. A chocolate Football cake! He couldn't have been more thrilled to have this!!! What did he get for his birthday you ask? A 15 inch robot and 8 inch Superman from mommy & daddy; a football game from Isaac; the Batman from the Monte Lalli's; Sponge Bob pj's, Lightening McQueen shirt, CD player & Kohl's giftcard from Nana & Papa Lyons; Lightening McQueen sweatsuit & Thomas the Tank video with Thomas train car from Grandma & Papaw Lalli; Walmart Giftcard from Uncle B & Luc; Money from Grandma & Grandpa Sweeney; & last but not least A Build-A-Bear Giftcard from Uncle David, Aunt Debbie & Kelsey. He will be very excited to get to do this! He was so upset when Isaac got his and he didn't get to make one. We may try to go today, but our day is pretty full already. Here are a few pictures from his birthday celebration! Enjoy and thank you to each of you for remembering our little man on his birthday!
Thank you for sharing with us our precious nephews. They are such a blessing and a joy!! We are blessed to be family!!
Aunt Debbie
Elijah we cannot believe you are
3 and my how you have grown since
we saw you last. What a joy you
are and we will see you soon.
We love you!!
Nana & Papa
Rae~ it seems like just yesterday we were in our Tuesday night prayer group discussing and praying over your pregnancy...my how time has flown!! Look how "fully blessed and lacking for nothing" you are! Thanks for sharing! Happy, Happy Birthday Elijah! ~Tonya
Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you Elijah.We will just have to wait till you come. Can'at believe that you are 3 already! Love you.
Grandma and Papaw
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