O Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superbear Elijah! Yes, it’s Superbear Elijah, strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men...AND HE LIVES AT OUR HOUSE!!!
Elijah has been giddy with excitement to get to have his own "Build-a-Bear" and today was THE day. Thanks to Uncle David, Aunt Debbie and Kelsey, Elijah had a gift card and away we went. Expecting to fight mobs of citizens in the Build-a-Bear store, we drove with great anxiety and expectation. But, thankfully most folks had better things to do than to tangle with the latest crime fighter on the planet.
Elijah picked out a really soft velvet teddy bear and off we went to "have his guts put in." (That is what I said and aparently offended some ladies who were there with their kids...loosen up the old sphincter muscles folks!) Once stuffed, he was dressed and didn't even have to go to a phone booth. As you can see from the pictures, he is adorable. Elijah loves him and made sure we knew it as he went to bed tonight. "Mommy, I really love my bear!" And we, the family, sleep better at night knowing that if there is trouble anywhere, Superbear is there...
That is so adorable!!! Wish we could have been there to experience this one!!
We love you Elijah!!
Uncle David, Aunt Debbie, and Kelsey
What a great day this must have
been with Elijah making his
Superbear. I love the pictures
and how special that he loves
his new Superbear. You are a
precious Grandson Elijah and we
love you. See you soon.
Nana & Papa
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