I totally forgot to post pictures of the boys playing in the pool! They have had so much fun it already. I know the water has been a little cold, but they should still get a few more good weeks of use out of fit before it gets winterized. We are planning to have a pool party for Elijah's 5th birthday. He is excited about it. Assuming the weather holds out, he'll be so excited.
I honestly think Elijah's lips are blue in this picture and Isaac is shivering, LOL I know they are looking forward to warmer water this weekend! Have a great weekend!
Sounds like the mother of boys...tough'n them up for the real world. Dawn
Great pool! I know you all will enjoy that!
What good lookin' boys you have! I cannot BELIEVE how big Isaac is-first grade?
And that picture of Elijah on the ladder-a little Doug.
Okay, you have 2 boys and I have 2 girls...we should talk marriage arrangements!!
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