Sunday, January 27, 2008
Lazy Day Today
We are staying home today. Elijah has had a cough/runny nose all week and just doesn't seem to be getting any better so we are going to stay home from church today and hopefully get him on the mend! They are anxious to see Daddy as he has been gone a retreat this weekend. (However, we did drive to see him yesterday for a few hours, LOL) He'll be home after church, they are excited to see him. I start my regular hours at my job tomorrow, I'll be working M/T/TH evenings now. I look forward it! My prayer is that the boys (all of them) adjust well. Isaac hates change, so we'll see how he does. I plan on doing the "homework" reading in the afternoon when he gets home from school so that will be one less thing Doug has to do each night. Dinner will be ready at 5:00 and I'll be off to work at 5:30, so it will be a change of pace for the Lalli household starting tomorrow, but at least I will be home at night more than I am away! :) Blessings to you all on this wonderful Lord's Day! :)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Did I mention what day it is today?

It's my big sister's 47th birthday! That's right! Happy Birthday Debbie! I'm so glad I got to talk to you today and wish you a Happy One! I wish I could be there to hug your neck and give you a big birthday kiss! But, I guess it'll have to wait until later!!! :) Here's to you sis!!
New Job...New Adventure
I started a new job today, well actually I'm in orientation and will actually start the job sometime later this week. I'm excited about it. I'm working in LaGrange at the Baptist Hospital Northeast (TriCounty for all those that know it by that). I'll be working in the ER department basically seeing what patients needs are and deciding who gets seen first! Fun job, huh? I met lots of great new people today. They are a very friendly group of people out there! I think I could find a career there. But, this is just a part time job to get my feet wet and to see what the future may hold for me in the medical field. I'll be working just 12 hours a week, 3 evenings a week. Isaac's first response was, "but mom! I won't see you!" "Of course you will buddy!" I will still have each afternoon with them and they will have so much fun with their daddy! Today was a school holiday, (Martin Luther King Jr). The boys went to see The Pirates who don't do anything! They had a blast! They are still tired from yesterday! I didn't think they were going to make it through dinner tonight, but they managed. Snow is a possibility tonight, so I'm kind of hoping for a snow day, it will be much needed! One more day to play with the neighborhood kids! :) I'm still really excited about the fun the kids had yesterday...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Been Waiting For This Day

I know you all have thought about that day when your house is the house where all the neighborhood kids want to play! Well, today is that day! Two of Isaac's football coaches and their families came to church today and the head coach, Perry, and his family came to our house for lunch. The boys were having a great time together. Isaac wanted Perry's boys to stay and play with them for the rest of the day and how could we say no! Two other neighbor boys who played on the team also came over, so with Isaac & Elijah, we had 6 boys over to play! They spent the better part of 30 minutes outside in 19 degree weather doing what little boys love! Play FOOTBALL! I just had to take a minute to document this day! I want this to be a place our boys want to have their friends come over and for their friends to want to come over! I can see a fridge full of cold drinks and a basket full of snacks always on hand! I love this time right here, right now! Life is good!!! :)
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