Darth Vader (Daddy) came to visit briefly and take pictures with most of the guest. It was a bit hot in the house, so it didn't last for long. He was a big hit!
Doug came up with the idea to have Jedi Training. They had to pin the X-wing fighter on the Clone Wars posted while blind folder (think pin the tail on the donkey here). Next it was off to target training. Shooting over figurines with nerf guns. And onto light saber contest to see who was the winner! I think over all the contest was won by our older guests! But truly didn't keep score well enough to do that. It was just lots of fun.
Over it was a great evening. We keep thinking we aren't going to do these big parties but they just keep happening. They only happen once a year and it's a long time from September to May and I think Doug & I forget how much work they are! But from May to September we do remember and we just can't do for one and not the other, so we do it once again! Doug is the brain child as far as games go and I take care of the cake and other decorations, so we make a great team! I'm thinking a family party sounds so good to me right now!
Thanks for sharing in our day, even it's long distance and from this venue. It means the world to him! He loved each card, phone call, e-card and gift! He was excited all day long and told everyone we saw yesterday NO MATTER WHERE WE WERE or who they were, stranger or not, everyone knew it was Elijah's 5th Birthday yesterday!